An Innovative and Customizable Enterprise Level K12 Textbook Adoption Management Platform! School districts request instructional materials from publishers through EdCredible® and then use the integrated publisher textbook information in EdCredible® to allow textbook reviewers to evaluate, rank and vote for textbooks online. District administrators then use EdCredible’s® robust analytics to make data-driven decisions about which textbooks and curriculum to purchase.
Our newest Public Textbook Adoption Information feature (when enabled) gives districts the option to share their adoption information publicly giving parents and community members unprecedented visibility into each school district’s K-12 textbook adoption process and results with the opportunity to either comment or object to textbooks.
EdCredible® ensures the textbook adoption process has strong fidelity and transparency and guarantees district decisions are supported by data and defensible to the school board and community at large.

Easy-to-Use Dashboards
EdCredible offers state and district administrators as well as review committee members, teacher, parents and community members an easy way to access features through an easy to use dashboard with clearly labeled tiles.
All-in-One Administrator
Adoption Management Screen
Instructional Materials Administrators easily manage adoptions from a single screen. Administrators can create adoptions, create rubric forms, message with publishers, manage review groups, assign evaluations, ranking and voting tasks to reviewers, analyze data, manage adoption forums and collect public comments.

Easy Management of
Evaluations, Ranking and Voting
Managing committee evaluations, ranking and voting through EdCredible allows administrators to focus on supporting reviewers and not administrative tasks that so often bog down administrators during the textbook adoption process.
Online Reviewer Evaluations
Publisher textbook information like digital samples, videos and correlations are integrated into evaluations so reviewers have a seamless and secure online experience evaluating materials in EdCredible.

Robust Comparative Analytics
EdCredible's robust analytics make it easy to analyze and compare committee textbook evaluation results. Results are real-time and can be viewed in chart and graphs as well as exported at a summative and granular level.
Drive Consensus with Adoption Ranking
Allowing reviewers to rank products is easy and a great way to gain consensus in committee meetings. It's all easily done in the EdCredible! The data makes it crystal clear as to how each product stacks up.

Finalize Decisions with Adoption Voting
Reviewer voting is straightforward and a great way to finalize a decision when there is disagreement in the committee. Many districts also use Adoption Voting at the school level to ensure every teacher is included and to drive buy-in at the school level with the final decision.
Textbook Adoption Public Portal
Meet mandated requirements by sharing information with the public and allow them to make comments about textbook selections means all stakeholders feel included in the process and less likely to raise objections in school board meetings.

Collect Public Objections & Comments
As school districts proceed through their adoption process, administrators can enable Public Objections & Public Comments. Once enabled, any person with a free EdCredible® account can search for individual district adoptions, find textbooks by course and securely submit their objections online. Users can also leave positive or negative comments about materials without a formal objection.
From Texas to Florida to the United Arab Emirates, K12 leaders globally rely on EdCredible's® secure and easy-to-use instructional materials review technology to manage their own review and selection process with fidelity. Today's complex and politically charged education environment doesn't allow for missteps, which is why prominent education agencies like Broward County Public Schools, Orange County Public Schools and the United Arab Emirates Ministry of Education rely on EdCredible's® software to manage their review processes.
EdCredible's® all-in-one adoption and solicitation software makes it easy for leaders to request materials from publishers, conduct committee evaluations online and analyze evaluation results in real-time. A result of a fully integrated online review solution is the added benefit that all data relevant to the review process, including communications with vendors is captured in EdCredible. This can be invaluable when the need arises to defend a decision or easily provide information from a freedom of information act request.

EdCredible's® all-in-one instructional materials review software makes it easy for K12 leaders to request materials from publishers, conduct committee evaluations online and analyze evaluation results in real-time. Every aspect of the instructional materials review process can be done within EdCredible®.
An added benefit of a fully integrated online review solution is the added benefit that all data relevant to the review process, including communications with vendors is captured in EdCredible®. This can be invaluable when the need arises to defend a decision or easily provide information from a freedom of information act request.
EdCredible® has a deep understanding of the logistical and political complexities of reviewing and selecting high quality instructional materials. From budgeting to buying, EdCredible's® subject matter experts are well versed in all aspects of the adoption process.
As a third party, EdCredible® can guarantee an adoption process that is transparent, equitable and secure. EdCredible's® Instructional Materials Review Consulting Services offers districts and states peace of mind and world-class results.

EdCredible's® review platform is flexible giving clients the ability to not just instructional materials, but also state-standards, test-item specifications as well as conduct large-scale crowdsource reviews across the general population to engage all stakeholders in any review process. Notable clients include the Florida Department of Education and United Arab Emirates Ministry of Education.
EdCredible's® Instructional Materials Review Leadership Certification Program is an intensive 2-day training that provides administrators with the requisite knowledge and tools to implement an equitable and secure review process with fidelity. This certification is appropriate for any state, district or school administrator overseeing or supporting the review and adoption process.
The certification program covers four main topics including: Leading the Instructional Materials Review Process, Training Reviewers to Select High Quality Instructional Materials, Developing Evaluation Instruments and Reviewing Programs with Fidelity.

With our innovative and insightful technology, we strive to enhance our users’ every day experiences. Founded in 2015, our incredible team of subject matter experts, programmers, designers and marketing experts have worked tirelessly to make EdCredible® the leader of the industry.
In order to provide excellent solutions, we dedicate time and resources to research the market needs and our users’ habits and motives. We have, and will continue to work tirelessly to become the technological standard for online instructional materials reviews, providing big picture insights which industry leaders not only approve of, but also depend on. Get in touch to learn more.